No, I cant please you..
You wont remember my words, Good or Bad,
You'll neither understand my intentions..
You'll just remember how I made you feel, Good or Bad!!..
Yes, I know what it takes to make People Happy,
Yes, I know you'd love it, If i was just simple and loved your glory..
Yes, You would want me to praise you, Truth or Lie..
Coz that would make you happy..
But, No I cant just please you..!!
Yes, I know all would love me,
Where i was secretly a hippocrite..!!
But, No i cant be that..
Just coz it makes you happy,.
I cant silence my senses..
Just to make you feel good..
I cant forsake my honesty..
I would still die peacefully though none loved me..!!
But No I cant die a hippocrite and Lier..!!
I know what it takes,,
But, No I cant be it..
And Yes, I would love it, if you loved me,
But I come with my honesty.. :)
You wont remember my words, Good or Bad,
You'll neither understand my intentions..
You'll just remember how I made you feel, Good or Bad!!..
Yes, I know what it takes to make People Happy,
Yes, I know you'd love it, If i was just simple and loved your glory..
Yes, You would want me to praise you, Truth or Lie..
Coz that would make you happy..
But, No I cant just please you..!!
Yes, I know all would love me,
Where i was secretly a hippocrite..!!
But, No i cant be that..
Just coz it makes you happy,.
I cant silence my senses..
Just to make you feel good..
I cant forsake my honesty..
I would still die peacefully though none loved me..!!
But No I cant die a hippocrite and Lier..!!
I know what it takes,,
But, No I cant be it..
And Yes, I would love it, if you loved me,
But I come with my honesty.. :)
Yess! It's difficult job to please someone!. Good One Vidz!.