Sunday 3 December 2017

Life as symmetry..

Our Perceptions keep changing..

The same thought is perceived in different ways at different times.. and this keeps happening with me all the time.. Sometime what I had thought was horrible, starts making sense after some time!!

First time , I heard cats eat their kittens after delivering them, I really felt that was too cruel! how could that be possible.. Ofcourse I was younger then, when I heard this..

But , Now that I realise, every Life is important, including our own (ofcourse including! :) ) I feel there is no right or wrong here.. It is just the way it is.. Mother cat needs to survive too.. For herself and her kittens.. may be she doenst have that energy to wait till its fed something after her labour.. may be if she is served something to eat she will definitely not try to kill one of her kittens.. Every animal is protective of their babies.. But we also have seen cats being impatient when hungry.. they just pounce on food when its served, when they are starving.. it is just animal instinct..

Also, when Every life is important.. there is nothing wrong in choosing yourself.. Every Life is equally precious to be saved..

1 comment:

  1. Actually the analogy can be bettered.. I will rewrite this.
