Wednesday 6 May 2015

View Beyond those glasses

Glasses, however clean , when tinted, they will always show something morphed.. we can never see things as  they are, with them in between.. we need to slide away the glass to have a clear image.. To see things as beautifully as they actually are..

Glass is a barrier, isolating you from the facts, from something that might actually make you happy. we feel, this glass actually secures us, from the Wind, Rain and Sun.. True..!! It might be securing you in a angle, but what if those winds, rains, dust and Sun were your elemental parts, and you actually need them to reach your best?!! what if, your purpose was to get in those winds and swirl with them, meet the rains and dance with them.. see the sun in eye, and get a whole new perspective.. Yea, Sun is too Scorchy, even cannot even face towards him, but what if you sustain the first 10 secs and then you would be revealed a new world?!!


 You need to let yourself open to every experience, that is how you will feel the Life.. ! Beyond those glasses lie the true beauty.!! the real us..!!The happy us..!! :)
Dont let the barriers of fear and failure stop you from experiencing life.. It's difficult with all the judgemental people around, with people underestimating your talents , skills and choices.. But remember those are just tinted glasses.. Slide them away and you see a true Life smiling there at you.

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