Wednesday 22 April 2015

Seeking something!!

Toddling my way, gushing towards it..
It kept rolling..I kept rolling behind it,
The faster it rolled, the more i wanted to catch it..
and one day I finally did.. and felt what next..!

Ran out to see a Man outside my home..
Making music out of his drum..
His snake dancing its way for the sound.. Me all startled and scared..
saw him many a times, one day just to be bored..
Felt what next..!

Then came a guy in my class, blushed my face..
heart was racing.. i was smiling.. all meaningless..
Few years down, saw many such faces, again those feelings..
Just to realize this would just pass..
and there I was, Looking for something afresh..

Made some friends, some for purpose.. some for Life..
Some to guide and some more to follow..
Still none would care as much a family..
But sometimes, friends become family..
Friends would come and go.. and I kept looking for something more...

Time just flew for years after years..
then there I was clutching my daughter's hand and calling out my son.
Who grew up to have faces, same as my husband and mine..
He got his wife and she her husband..
and they found their own new land..

People said, join some club., Go on a trip..
U are retired, travel the hill and relax atop..

Then one day I reached death bed, for "That SOMETHING", i was still seeking!!...
waited for death, for it might bring, I was still hoping..!!

#Keep Looking..!!

Dont expect an answer for I am still in 20's
Even I dont know for what I am looking..! :)